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We have 2 great products for you to help increase your strike rate. Strike Magic and Smink.

Smink comes in a twin-pack and is £10

Stike Magic comes in Natural and Red. Natural is brilliant but Red is twice as deadly, combining a visual stimulant (red is know to be obvious to fish and mimics a blood worm) with the irresistable flavour of Natural...twice as deadly.

Buy Strike Magic in the twin-pack and save.

'our ebay customers love Strike Magic'...

Barbara Burton   'my husband just used the Strike Magic and caught a big trout straight away'

Alastair Patterson   'great seller, trout love it, will buy again'

Brian Darling   'super fast delivery, over the moon, highly recommended'

Clive Bodham   'quality item worth every penny'

Pete Wilkinson    'I've not tried it on trout yet but it catches Carp,
I caught a 15lb Carp after 15 minutes by using the Squirmy Wormy
and some extra Strike Magic.'

'Andy Fraser   'brilliant delivery, by the love it'

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