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Image by Elaine Brewer

Strike Magic
How it works and how to use it.


It just makes sense that if your fly looks tasty and actually is tasty...then you'll attract more fish!

Half a job...


Fish hate two smells imparticular, humans and gasoline.

You go to a lot of trouble to 'match the hatch' and make your fly look as realistic as possible...only to leave it smelling of one, or both of the most unattractive smells known to a fish....humans and gasoline (did you fill your car up on the way to the pool?). And fish can smell any trace of either amidst millions of particles of water. Hence why they swim near your fly and then calmly turn about and swim away. It looks nice, but it tastes terrible to the fish.


When you're tying your fly, you are touching it and fiddling with it and dropping your pheromones all over it.  Yet the human smell is technically a depressant to a fish (opposite of a stimulant) and that's why you often experience a fish inspecting your fly only to reject it outright by gently spitting it back out. You only fooled it halfway.


At that point, you attempt to set the hook and strike, only to miss the fish and see your wet fly heading at around 70mph towards your own head. 


Strike Magic does two things...

  1. forms a cloud near your fly and leaves a tasty trail leading back to it

  2. gives you those extra few fractions of a second to set your hook.

The cloud forming around the fly attracts the fish from a wider range than normal, meaning you have more fish interested in your fly, and once they inspect to hook they hand around for a split second longer than normal. This gives you those vital extra seconds to 'strike' which improves your strike rate exponentially.

So more fish around your fly and longer to strike...this increases your chances of catching exponentially.

Which one is your fly?
How to use Strike Magic

You don’t need a lot... just use it like Gink or Xink.

It's comes in a handy 30ml bottle so will fit in your pocket and has a short twist lid so you can use it with one hand.

Dress the fly itself with it and maybe even a drop on the 


You can even use it with nymphs as the liquid has a density ratio designed to pool around the lure and will sink with it.


(You can even squirt a bit in the water near your lure (but that would be unfair).


Watch it work...


Watch this fly hit the water and then start it's


As Strike Magic oozes from your fly, any fish swimming below will catch the scent and then follow the trail right back to your bait.


Never again will a fish 'try your fly' only to spit it out. Strike Magic is like steak & chips to a fish.

Get Strike Magic delivered straight to your door...

Natural works great, but Red is also visually stimulating and in tests was more potent. However, sometimes natural is just the ticket. Get the twin pack and test what works for you.

Strike Magic Natural
Just £7.25


The original and still delicious to the fish!

Strike Magic Red
Just £8.50



Visually attractive and delicious...just deadly!

Get The Twin Pack!
 and SAVE just £12.99


Double your chances with the best of both!


What Fisherfolk are Saying...

'our ebay customers love Strike Magic'...

Barbara Burton   'my husband just used the Strike Magic and caught a big trout straight away'

Alastair Patterson   'great seller, trout love it, will buy again'

Brian Darling   'super fast delivery, over the moon, highly recommended'

Clive Bodham   'quality item worth every penny'

Pete Wilkinson    'I've not tried it on trout yet but it catches Carp,
I caught a 15lb Carp after 15 minutes by using the Squirmy Wormy
and some extra Strike Magic.'

'Andy Fraser   'brilliant delivery, by the love it'

Genuine emails received...

Strike Magic has too many testimonials to print...

Andy (ebay)

Brilliant delivery, by the love it!


Ben (ebay)

A++++++ best bargain ever


Barbara (ebay)

It works, my husband caught a big trout first time he used it.


Colin (local pool)
Nige I don’t know what’s in there and I can’t say if it really works or not…but I caught more fish.

Jeff (local pool)
No question, my fly is more attractive with it than without out it. I might try it with the wife :-)


Andy (local pool)
Don’t give this Jeff.


Martin (direct)
I’ve caught record breaking carp in my time and used a lot of attractants. But since switching to
fly fishing for trout I’ve not used anything. Now, I’ve got Gink, Xink, Ledasink and Strike Magic in my bag. 
I just get more interest when I use it.

Phil (local pool)
I just used a few drops as I applied Gink to the dry fly. Crikey it was like magic. You should call it strike magic.



So we did.

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