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Image by Elaine Brewer


A quick history...


A number of years ago, I was looking after the financing of a large food blending company based in the North West of England. 


Whilst there, I was involved in a commercial, laboratory-based project developing a 'preferred food' for trout. In short, through rigorous testing, they were searching for the most attractive food a fish would choose. This was a project for commercially bred fish to be given various nutrients wrapped in a delicious flavour.

As a fly fisherman myself, this developed my interest in fish attractants and so I set about developing a blend of my own to attract those elusive trout that occupied most of my weekends. After much trial and error, and of course some crucial insights from the commercial project, Strike Magic was born.

It was immediately apparent after a quick trip down to my local pool that we had developed something the fish really were attracted to. The cloud forming around the fly attracts the fish from a wider range than normal, meaning you have more fish interested in your fly, and once they inspect to hook they hang around for a split second longer than normal. This spilt second is crucial as it gives you those vital extra seconds to 'strike' which improves your strike rate exponentially.

So more fish around your fly and longer to strike. This increases your chances of catching exponentially.

The chaps at the pool were my initial guinea pigs and after much success one of them said....'it works like magic, you should call it 'strike magic'.

So we did...


our customers love Strike Magic and Smink




Pete Wilkinson

Works with carp too, 15lb after 15 minutes,

Andy Fraser

great product and fast delivery, by the way -

fish love it


Alastair Patterson

great seller, trout love it,

will buy again shipping on every order...

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